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Metaverse’s Integration into Web2 Crucial for Success

Sam Seo, the director of the metaverse-focused blockchain Klaytn Foundation, commented on the potential for broader adoption of the metaverse.

He suggested that if Web2 companies incorporated metaverse technology into their existing products and services, it would facilitate an “easier” transition to widespread acceptance.

Speaking during the Korean Blockchain Week (KBW) on August 8, Seo noted that Web3 metaverse projects often struggle to reach mainstream audiences.

He attributed this challenge to the general public’s hesitance in adopting new technologies from relatively unknown companies.

Sam Seo, from the Klaytn Foundation, emphasized the potential for integrating new ideas with existing Web2 platforms in South Korea. He mentioned that incorporating novel concepts into platforms like Kakao, a popular social media app, could simplify the process of introducing these services compared to starting from the ground up.

Despite the challenges, Seo believes that adopting Web3 technologies into Web2 platforms can facilitate mass adoption.

Klaytn’s blockchain, which is one of the largest projects of its kind in South Korea, focuses on the metaverse, GameFi, and generative economy applications.

During his presentation at the Korean Blockchain Week (KBW), Seo discussed the team’s efforts to enhance transaction throughput and reduce transaction fees on the Klaytn blockchain.

He acknowledged the public’s hesitance to use platforms with high costs, stating, “We are aware that people are still reluctant to use this platform if it means paying high fees. That’s why we believe it’s crucial to keep gas fees as low as possible to encourage more people to enter this space. Our goal is to reduce gas prices.”

Furthermore, Seo announced that Klaytn is planning to release an open-source metaverse package in the coming months. This package will include developer tools, aimed at encouraging further development on the blockchain.

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