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Google Search Introduces AI-powered Image Creation Feature

Google added a visual creation feature to its artificial intelligence-supported search engine called SGE, which is not yet available to everyone and is being tested on certain users. Thanks to this feature, users will be able to create images while searching on Google.

Google, one of the leading companies in the artificial intelligence race, announced the features that will come to the search engine at the I/O event it held last May. One of these features was artificial intelligence support called Productive Search Experience (SGE).

Launched as a rival to Bing, SGE, just like other chatbots, could answer users’ questions and allow you to search as if you were chatting with Google.

Artificial intelligence-supported Google Search has been in preview since then and was being tested on certain users. The technology giant announced today that another important feature will be included in SGE.

Google Search will be able to create images with artificial intelligence

Artificial Intelligence Supported Image Creation Feature Comes to Google Search!

According to Google’s statements, the AI-powered search engine will now be able to generate images for users. This will function similarly to models like DALL-E.

By entering a text command, users can directly create the desired image using artificial intelligence through Google Search.

You can see how it works from the GIF shared by the company. In the example, ask the search engine: Draw a picture of a capybara wearing a chef’s hat and making breakfast. Write it and press the search button.

SGE then displays the images it generates to the user. It is also possible to provide additional details for the command. It should be noted that this feature can also be used through Google Images.

Google stated that the feature will work securely. Therefore, the image generation will not violate policies.

Additionally, the creation of images and realistic faces depicting specific individuals will be prohibited initially. Lastly, it should be added that watermarks will be applied to images created with SGE, and there will be an age limit of 18 for using this feature.

The ability to add visuals to SGE is not a surprising feature. With SGE, Google was trying to surpass the artificial intelligence features of Microsoft’s search engine, Bing. Bing already had an image rendering feature supported by DALL-E.

SGE, which constantly receives new features, is currently being tested on certain users. It’s not yet clear when it will be widely available.

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