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Artificial intelligence raises the salary scale

Personnel with artificial intelligence skills listed on their resumes are in a more advantageous position, often benefiting from a higher salary scale.

Since the launch of ChatGPT in late 2022, the debate over the potential of generative AI to replace human workers has intensified. There is a solid basis for this discussion: According to the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs Report, over 75 percent of companies are expected to adopt technologies, including artificial intelligence, within the next five years.

Artificial intelligence is decisive for salary

Artificial intelligence raises the salary scale

This is supported by a separate study from Plural Sight, which found that 87 percent of organizations plan to increase their spending on AI in the next 12 months. Moreover, 95 percent of executives believe their AI initiatives will fail without the proper staff to execute them effectively.

However, this does not imply that all employees will be replaced. In fact, the discussion has shifted towards how companies and employees can integrate AI into their daily operations, and the reallocation of corporate resources towards AI technology means that tech workers lacking AI knowledge may find themselves at a disadvantage.

As AI adoption grows, those who fail to develop their skills risk falling behind. But not all is bleak. There’s good news: if you want to future-proof your career, there is still time to stay ahead of the AI curve. Plural Sight’s report also noted that 25 percent of organizations currently have no immediate plans to implement AI technology, lack the capability to do so, or are content with their existing tools.

Possessing AI skills positions you well for some of the highest-paying jobs on the market. Recent reports indicate that Meta pays its AI researchers up to $2 million annually. OpenAI, meanwhile, offers salaries of up to $10 million for top AI talent. Mark Zuckerberg has even personally reached out to AI experts at Google’s DeepMind to recruit them to his company.

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