Pope Francis Warns of Artificial Intelligence Dangers

Pope Francis warned of the dangers of artificial intelligence while addressing leaders at the G7 summit. As the spiritual leader of Catholics, Pope Francis attended the G7 Summit hosted by Italy, marking the first time in history that a Pope has attended the G7 summit. In a private session addressing the world’s leaders, the Pope highlighted the potential dangers of artificial intelligence alongside its promises.

He has been actively involved in discussions on artificial intelligence and ethics, advocating for “human dignity” to be prioritized in both the development and use of AI. The Pope also emphasized the risk that such a powerful technology could reduce human relationships to mere algorithms.

“It should always be left to people to decide”

In his speech, the Pope said, “We must be very clear that when we are faced with the miracles of machines that seem to know how to make choices independently, even when we are faced with their sometimes dramatic and urgent aspects, it should always be left to humans to decide. If we take away people’s ability to make decisions about themselves and their lives, we condemn humanity to a hopeless future by making them dependent on the choices of machines.”

The Catholic spiritual leader also criticized autonomous weapons, stating that politicians should take the lead in keeping AI human-centered so that the decision on when to use weapons and even less lethal tools will continue to be made by humans, not machines. “No machine should choose to take the life of a human being,” the Pope said.

The Church had previously expelled an AI-generated priest bot.

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