Google’s AI Tool to Recover Hacked YouTube Accounts

Google has launched a new AI tool to assist creators whose YouTube accounts have been hacked, allowing them to easily reverse any changes made by the hacker.

This AI-powered assistant helps hacked YouTube users recover their accounts and safeguard them against future attacks. The newly introduced tool provides eligible creators with a step-by-step guide to troubleshooting when their accounts have been compromised.

The assistant will ask a series of questions to help users secure their Google login, undo any changes made to their channel (such as renaming the channel or deleting videos), and protect the channel from future hacking attempts. Designed to be user-friendly, the tool walks the user through the recovery process step by step.

Currently, this feature is available only in English and is limited to a select group of creators. YouTube has not yet announced when the tool will be available to all creators. For those without access to the tool, YouTube recommends reaching out to the support team (@TeamYouTube) via social media.

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