Testing Begins for Apps Enabling Content Creators to Monetize Metaverse

In a recent announcement from Meta Platforms, the umbrella organization for Facebook, trials have commenced for applications designed to facilitate monetization within virtual reality platforms, commonly referred to as the ‘metaverse.’

The introduction of the ability to sell digital assets and experiences within the ‘Horizon Worlds’ program, dedicated to constructing metaverses, plays a crucial role in enticing users to these platforms.

Initially, these applications will undergo testing with a select group of users, particularly those engaged in creating games and fashion accessories within the platform. Accessible through Meta’s virtual glasses, these early users will have the opportunity to sell their accessories or provide paid access to unique digital spaces they have developed.

In addition, Meta is experimenting with a “maker bonus” program in the United States. This initiative involves compensating a small group of Horizon Worlds users on a monthly basis for utilizing new features introduced by the company.

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg expressed the company’s vision, stating, “We want there to be tons of great worlds out there, and for that to happen, there needs to be a lot of creators who can support themselves and make this their full-time job.” This statement underscores Meta’s commitment to fostering a vibrant ecosystem of creators within the metaverse.

Zuckerberg wants to see a return on his huge investment

Meta, the parent company of Facebook, underwent a name change to Meta last year and has made substantial investments in virtual and augmented reality to support the development of the metaverse. The metaverse envisions a futuristic network of virtual environments accessible through various devices, providing users with the ability to work and socialize in these digital realms.

Meta’s ambitious goal is to establish a virtual world where assets such as lands, buildings, avatars, and even names can be traded as immutable tokens or blockchain-based virtual assets. This aligns with the growing market for Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs), which has experienced explosive growth over the past year, with some sales reaching multimillion-dollar valuations.

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