India’s First Metaverse Wedding: Over 3,000 Guests Celebrate

In a bid to sidestep COVID-19 restrictions in India, a couple opted for a wedding reception in the ‘metaverse universe,’ attracting over 3,000 guests to their celebration.

Dinesh SP, 24, and Janaganandhini Ramaswamy, 23, tied the knot in a traditional ceremony in the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, as reported by The National News.

Due to pandemic-related limitations restricting the number of in-person attendees to 100, the couple decided to host their wedding in the virtual realm. This unique celebration, touted as “Asia’s first metaverse marriage,” lasted approximately two hours.

Identifying themselves as Harry Potter enthusiasts, the couple collaborated with the tech startup TardiVerse to create a Hogwarts-themed metaverse venue for their reception. Dinesh expressed his desire to avoid compromising the significance of their big day with limited guests and, instead, opted to throw a metaverse party, extending invitations to people worldwide.

Vignesh Selvaraj, the owner of TardiVerse, shared his excitement about the project, stating, “It was an exhilarating experience. Nearly 3,000 people attended the reception. I spent days and nights creating this space, and I am proud that it has been such a great achievement.”

Videos from the event showcased avatars of the couple adorned in traditional wedding attire, along with their guests on a virtual stage congratulating them. Notably, the bride’s recently deceased father was also represented in the virtual gathering.

Both the groom, who works with blockchain technology and has a keen interest in cryptocurrencies, and the bride, an IT expert, took the innovative step of sending their wedding invitations as non-fungible tokens (NFTs) to friends and family worldwide.

This move adds a unique and tech-savvy dimension to their celebration, aligning with the couple’s interests and the unconventional nature of their metaverse wedding reception.

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