Embarrassing Confession About Zuckerberg’s Healed Metaverse Project

The head of Meta’s Metaverse, Horizon Worlds, issued a statement stating that even Meta’s own employees were struggling to use the platform effectively, emphasizing that it was riddled with bugs.

Horizon Worlds, Meta’s metaverse where users can create virtual worlds with their avatars, was introduced by Mark Zuckerberg with great fanfare nearly a year ago. However, the platform has not lived up to expectations, as acknowledged by the company itself.

Vishal Shah, the manager of Horizon Worlds at Meta, announced on September 15 that the platform would be temporarily shut down for “quality improvements.” The latest reports indicate that even Meta employees are having difficulty using Horizon Worlds properly.

‘Even our own employees don’t like Horizon Worlds’

Embarrassing Confession About Zuckerberg’s Healed Metaverse Project

In a statement released on September 15, Vishal Shah, the manager of Horizon Worlds at Meta, expressed concern that even Meta employees were not utilizing Horizon Worlds adequately, which was hindering its development.

On September 30, Shah reiterated that the platform was still not being utilized effectively by Meta employees, placing the responsibility on the management team, including himself. He acknowledged that the managers had failed to garner sufficient interest in Horizon Worlds among the company’s employees.

As a result, the period designated for ‘quality improvements’ did not yield the desired results, and the platform continued to be plagued by numerous bugs.

Shah urged his colleagues to redouble their efforts to enhance and refine the platform. What are your thoughts on this matter? Please feel free to share your opinions with us in the comments.

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