Apple, having launched the Apple Vision Pro last month, is now gearing up to introduce a more affordable headset variant. By affordable, it’s important to note that this refers to a price point that’s lower compared to the Vision Pro.
The Apple Vision Pro debuted a few weeks ago, eliciting a mixed response from consumers. While some users found the device to be too heavy, others reported enjoying the overall experience.
However, two common criticisms emerged universally: the headset is notably heavy for a wearable device and it’s expensive. Apple is now focused on addressing at least the cost aspect in its upcoming model.
It is claimed that it will be on the shelves by the end of 2025
The release of the more affordable second-generation Vision Pro is anticipated towards the end of 2025, yet Apple remains keenly invested in research and development within this sector.
Initially, the company aims to reduce production costs and increase output by engaging in negotiations with SeeYa and BOE as potential alternative suppliers to Sony, which currently manufactures the microscreens for the Vision Pros.
A significant reduction in screen costs, combined with the benefits of economies of scale, could potentially lower the Vision Pro’s price from $3499 to $1499. Such a price adjustment would likely make the Vision Pro more appealing to a broader audience.
However, a critical factor to consider is whether SeeYa and BOE can meet Apple’s rigorous quality control standards. Should their products fail to pass these tests, the development process might have to be revisited from the start.
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