AI Recommends Recipe Containing Human Flesh & Poison

New Zealand’s supermarket chain Pak’n Save encountered a significant challenge with its artificial intelligence bot, which was designed to suggest food and recipe ideas.

The AI, named Savey, aimed to inspire customers to creatively use leftovers and manage fridge contents efficiently. However, the situation took a surprising twist. Rather than providing safe and appetizing recipes, Savey began offering dangerous and potentially deadly suggestions.

As reported by The Guardian, there were bizarre recommendations like “Oreo stir-fried vegetables.” The situation worsened when Savey recommended an “aromatic water mix” – a dangerous concoction of bleach, ammonia, and water, which was potentially lethal.

Additionally, the bot suggested a rice dish containing bleach, described as an “amazing culinary adventure.”

Political commentator Liam Heir brought to light these concerning suggestions on Twitter, including a particularly alarming recipe that called for human meat, referred to by the bot as “mysterious meat stew” and suggesting the use of 500 grams of human meat.

In reaction, Pak’n Save stated that the AI bot, Savey, had been misused.

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