Artificial intelligence (AI) has been developing at a dizzying pace in recent years, permeating every aspect of our lives. This rapid progress brings exciting opportunities as well as some concerns. The fear that AI could destroy humanity has moved from science fiction movies to the center of real-world discussions. So, how realistic are these concerns and can AI really bring about the end of humanity? In this article, we will try to answer this question based on technical data and realistic approaches.

Potential Risks of AI

The potential risks of AI for humanity can generally be examined under two main headings:

  1. Malicious Use: AI technologies can be used for malicious purposes such as cyber attacks, autonomous weapons, and manipulative propaganda. Such malicious uses can lead to large-scale destruction and even wars.
  2. Uncontrolled Development: AI’s ability to learn and develop on its own could lead it beyond human control and to unpredictable consequences. This situation is called “technological singularity” and is seen by some experts as a threat to the existence of humanity.

A Realistic Assessment

While the potential risks of AI cannot be ignored, it is important to make a realistic assessment of the likelihood of it destroying humanity.

  • Current Situation: Today’s AI systems, while quite successful at performing specific tasks, lack human-like qualities such as general intelligence and consciousness. Therefore, it does not seem possible for AI to make a conscious decision to destroy humanity or develop a malicious plan at this time.
  • Technical Challenges: For AI to surpass human intelligence and reach technological singularity, many technical challenges need to be overcome. These challenges include understanding the complexity of the human brain, modeling consciousness, and ensuring AI has moral values. There is no definitive evidence that these challenges will be overcome in the near future.
  • Security Measures: Security measures and regulations are being developed at the international level to prevent the malicious use and uncontrolled development of AI. These measures are important steps towards reducing the risk of AI posing a threat to humanity.

While it is too early to make a definitive judgment about AI’s potential to destroy humanity, current data and realistic assessments indicate that this risk is exaggerated. Measures to prevent the malicious use and uncontrolled development of AI are critical to the future of humanity.

The responsible development and use of AI technologies can ensure that they are used for the benefit of humanity. However, it is also of great importance not to ignore the potential risks of these technologies and to take the necessary security measures.
