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What is the capital of Egypt? ( Cairo )

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Sony officially announced: PC support for PS VR2 is here What Do You Think?

PlayStation VR2 owners rejoice! Sony has unveiled the release date and price for the highly anticipated PS VR2 PC adapter, allowing you to experience the vast library of SteamVR titles on your VR headset.

Mark your calendars: The PS VR2 PC adapter hits stores on August 7th. This opens the door to a whole new world of VR gaming possibilities, letting you dive into the immersive worlds of SteamVR with your PS VR2.

While not all features will translate perfectly, the core VR experience remains impressive. You’ll enjoy stunning 4K visuals, a wide 110-degree field of view, and intuitive fingertip touch detection for interacting with your virtual environment. Additionally, a perspective view mode and 3D sound effects enhance your gameplay convenience.

However, it’s important to note that some PlayStation VR2 functionalities won’t be available on PC. Features that truly elevate the VR experience, such as HDR visuals, headset feedback, eye-tracking technology, and the innovative adaptive triggers and haptic feedback, won’t be supported.

Minimum PC Specs for PS VR2

The adapter connects to your PC’s DisplayPort 1.4 port (cable not included). It also features a USB connection and an HDMI output for easy game recording and sharing. For optimal PC performance, Sony recommends an NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 or AMD Radeon RX 6600XT graphics card.

Here’s a breakdown of the minimum system requirements:

  • Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit / Windows 11 64-bit
  • Processor: Intel Core i5-7600 / AMD Ryzen 3 3100 (Zen 2 or newer architecture)
  • Memory: 8 GB RAM
  • Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650, NVIDIA RTX series, AMD Radeon RX 5500XT/6500XT
  • DisplayPort: DisplayPort 1.4
  • Bluetooth: Bluetooth 4.0

PS VR2 PC Adapter: Price and Availability

The PlayStation VR2 PC adapter will be available for a budget-friendly price of $60, making it an attractive option for expanding your VR horizons.

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What is the capital of Egypt? ( Cairo )