Metaverse Blog

Experimente beijos virtuais no Metaverse Mundo

Outra realidade virtual que eleadse terá a capacidade de transmitir sensações aos lábios dos usuários, teeth, and tongue. With this new development, it is expected that the metaverse a experiência se estenderá além das interações visuais e auditivas.

Researchers in Pennsylvania have unveiled a novel technology that enables users to simulate a kiss in the virtual world by delivering sensations to the lips, teeth, and tongue.

The VR headset has been modified with haptic technology, which replicates touch through vibrations and movements. It incorporates a slim array of transducers embedded in the bottom of the VR headset, directing ultrasound energy to different parts of the mouth.

In addition to the sensation of kissing, the technology can also be employed for activities like drinking from a virtual fountain or taking a drag from a virtual cigarette.


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The prototype headset, an adapted Oculus Quest 2, was developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University.

“Interestingly, all parts are coordinated into the headset, so the client doesn’t have to wear an extra embellishment,” the scientists call attention to. Innovation; for instance, while playing a loathsomeness game in the metaverse ou VR como regra, pode muito bem ser utilizado para trazer à tona a sensação de uma teia de aranha deslizando nos lábios.

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O termo metaverse, que se originou no romance distópico Snow Crash de 1992, é usado para descrever os espaços onde o físico e o digital convergem. Mark Zuckerberg, um dos fundadores da Facebook in his dorm room at Harvard University in 2004, defiprecisava do metaverse as an embodied internet.

Over the years, Facebook users will be able to use the platform not on their phones or computers, but by wearing a VR headset. Instead of swiping a device’s screen, they’ll be able to meet up with their Facebook friend in a virtual shared space and voice chat with each other’s avatars.

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