Women Are More Active Than Men In Web3

KuCoin, a prominent global cryptocurrency exchange, has unveiled its “Journey Into Web3” report, offering insights into professional engagement in the decentralized internet industry.

The report concludes that women are playing an increasingly active role in the development of Web 3.0.

While the report indicates that women exhibit a lower inclination to invest in Web 3 compared to men, it suggests that women are more actively involved in the industry.

According to the research, 49 percent of female professionals in Web3-related fields work part-time or as freelancers, with 33 percent engaged in full-time positions.

Interestingly, 27 percent of surveyed female professionals express involvement in the establishment phase of Web 3-related projects or businesses.

However, this figure falls short of surpassing the 41 percent entrepreneurship rate observed among men. Furthermore, 33 percent of female professionals work as engineers or developers in the same industry as their male counterparts, though only 22 percent of female Web 3 enthusiasts express interest in similar roles.

The report emphasizes the potential for female professionals to expedite the adoption of decentralized technologies, noting that 59 percent of surveyed Web 3 professionals are under the age of 30, and only 24 percent work full-time in the industry. The majority are positioned as part-time workers, freelancers, or entrepreneurs.

Beyond the adoption of the crypto system, the majority of professionals believe that Web 3 will lead to a decentralized world and shape the future of the internet.

Additionally, over 60 percent of Web3 professionals indicate involvement in areas such as NFTs, cryptocurrencies, and the metaverse, with the NFT sector standing out as a popular choice for potential career paths among Web 3 enthusiasts.

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