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AI News

Grok: Elon Musk’s Open-Source AI Tool

Elon Musk recently announced on X that Grok, the artificial intelligence tool from his AI startup xAI, is set to become open source soon. This development marks a significant move amidst the ongoing disputes between Musk and OpenAI.

Initially, Musk was a key supporter of OpenAI, having joined the organization with the aim of countering Google’s dominance in the AI space. His vision was to ensure that artificial intelligence remained open source. However, as OpenAI shifted towards a more commercial and closed source model, aligning closely with Microsoft, Musk voiced his concerns. He critiqued OpenAI’s departure from its original open-source ethos and accused it of effectively becoming a subsidiary of Microsoft.

In response to these developments and in line with his advocacy for open-source AI, Musk is taking a definitive step by making Grok, xAI’s answer to ChatGPT, open source. This move underscores his commitment to accessible and transparent artificial intelligence technologies.

A new move in the litigation process

Grok: Elon Musk's Open-Source AI Tool

Elon Musk recently announced that GrokAI, developed by his company xAI, will become open source this week. This move comes amid a contentious legal battle with OpenAI, sparking widespread discussion in the tech community and among investors about the merits of open-source AI.

Vinod Khosla criticized the lawsuit as a significant distraction from the pursuit of general AI and its potential benefits. In contrast, Marc Andreessen, founder of Andreessen Horowitz, condemned such criticisms as attempts to hinder the open-source movement. Despite this, xAI is not pioneering in making AI technology publicly accessible; Meta and a French startup have previously taken similar steps with Mistral and their AI models, respectively.

Elon Musk’s push towards open-source AI aligns with his longstanding support for open-source projects, evident in his approach with Tesla, where many patents have been made openly available. This strategy underscores his commitment to fostering innovation and transparency in AI development, setting a precedent for the industry.

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